Learning Paths and Assignments Students are more captivated and teachers can see results.

Educators can use prebuilt or self designed groups of activities to create assignments proven to meet desired standards. Easily monitor student progress, time spent learning, and get verification of standards progress.

Standards tracking can happen even while a student simply plays a game. Assign any activity and receive progress reports.

Students are more captivated and teachers can see results.

Standards By Design

Standards can be confusing. Our educators have organized and compiled for all of our content, providing students a fun path to success of understanding standards that need to be covered.

Student Feedback Understanding Standards

Our easy to understand student feedback exit interviews are based on our kid descriptions of the standards. Students will use a self-explanatory self-assessment to let their teacher know if they are:

PROFICIENT: I can complete the assigned standard based task/skill without further assistance.

DEVELOPING: I can sometimes complete the assigned standard based task/skill but might need more help.

EMERGING: I need more practice to develop an understanding of the this task/skill.

Teacher Tools Engage With Classrooms

See progress for assignments and paths. Student activity reports goals achieved, standards that have been completed, and time spent practicing.

Create assignments for custom curriculums.